Fat Bottoms are “in” !

We farm the old fashioned natural way and make no apologies for that. It means our field boundaries have scruffier hedges and are noisy with birdsong, and our field margins are left to burst with wild flowers and weeds; which feed the nesting birds and attract rich and rare birds and bees.

Talking of which reminds me that we replaced our two Red Poll bulls with Herefords this year. Naturally our new boys have been busy running with their ladies all summer. We split the breeding herd in two so that each bull has his own harem. These herds graze the farm meadows and marshes with new born calves at foot with their Mothers and only weaned after six months. Calves raised on such a rich balanced diet grow as naturally as possible. It means we can control the bloodlines and can match and make the best possible bottoms for beef! Now that BBQ season is here we have enough rump steak to feed an army.

For those that live at Chillesford Lodge beef can always be on the menu.